Please register or log in now to join our wonderful McAuliffe Eagles PTA community! 


If you already have a Membership Toolkit account with another organization,

you can use the same login here.   

Now Extended Due: Oct. 15th, main office after submitting online here


Q U E S T I O N S  E M A I L :
M C A U L I F F E E A G L E R E F L E C T I O N S @ G M A I L . C O M







2024/2025 mcauliffe PTA MeetingS


(Zoom: Meeting ID 975 4946 4665, Password 444982)


2024-25 Meeting Dates:

(2nd Tuesday of each month, 9:00am)


 Tuesday September 10, 2024, Zoom

Tuesday October 8, 2024, Zoom

Tuesday November 12,  2024, Zoom

Tuesday December 10, 2024, Zoom

Tuesday January 14, 2025, Zoom

Tuesday February 11, 2025. Zoom

Tuesday March 11, 2025, Zoom

Tuesday April 8, 2025, Zoom

Tuesday May 13, 2025, Zoom



PTA Executive Board 2024-2025


President   Jenapher Safranski
Vice President   Laura Hall
Treasurer   Rhisie Hentges
Auditor   Khatija Minter
Financial Secretary   Tania Calhoun 

Communications Secretary

Recording Secretary


Laura Hall

Chantal Joubert-Honacki

Parliamentarian   Aimee Moraca 
Fundraising Chair   Michelle Bastos 
Reflections Chair   Beth Pearson
Membership Chair   Nicole Watada


Upcoming Events


A big thank you to all our sponsors!


Safranski Family


Joubert-Honacki Family


Joel Weinstein, Attorney at Law

Team Bignami
Ivandic Family


Peach Family
Cohen Family
Moraca Family
Fayette Family
Hall Family
Anderson Family 
Taylor Family
Davis Family
Hayes Family
Watada Family
Beardslee Family


Become a sponsor today!